International taxes for freelancers and digital nomads

Getting started


If you're not familiar with a term (ex: tax residency), check out the basics of taxation.

If an abbreviation doesn't make sense (ex: PIT), look for it in the glossary.

If you have questions or feedback, file an issue.


What is this?

Website about taxes, tax rules, and tax incentives in different countries.

What is the point?

To learn how taxes work worldwide and how to legally optimize your taxes.

Who is this for?

Remote workers, independent contractors, and small business owners that are traveling abroad or relocating permanently.

Who is this not for?

Medium and large businesses, offshore companies, multinationals, HNWIs.

What is this not about?

Tax avoidance, tax evasion, tax fraud, gray-area or illegal practices, criminal offenses.


IANAL and IANACPA. This is not legal or tax advice, nor a substitute thereof. In general, don't take advice from strangers on the internet. Do your own research and/or consult a professional.


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